CTools.Assembly.AssemblyNameDictionary | Represents a type dictionary by name |
CTools.Assembly.AssemblyTypeDictionary | Represents a type dictionary by type. Use for change type. When you use an interface you can access only the interface types. This object helps you to create the implemented instance |
CTools.Serialize.BinarySerialization | Represents a binary serialization class. Uses only between .net applications |
CFlowLib.Engine.Block | Represents a block of flow. The block is a function element of flow. Blocks have connections with each other |
CFlowLib.Engine.BlockDescriptor | Descriptor of the block. The block creates by this |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Shift.CalendarSpan | Represents a span of calendar |
CFlowLib.Engine.Connection | Represents a connection between block and block |
CFlowLib.Engine.ConnectionDescriptor | Represents a descriptor of connection |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.ControlCreator | Represent a control creator of x4Trace. Creates grids by name. Creates flow control by name |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Controller | Controller object of x4Trace. Represents every basic functions to communicate with server |
CTools.Convert | Represents a convert class |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Database.Entity.DataColumn | Database Entity-Table member-column connection handler class. Stores information of columns of table |
CTools.DateTool | Represents a date time handler class. Date 1 and date 2 use for synconize date time with another system |
CTools.Dispatch.Dispatcher | Represents a dispatcher/buffer. Buffer elements and processes them sequentially on a different thread |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Database.Entity.Entity | Represent a row of database, basic element of object relational database. Inserts, updates adn deletes row of database. Each property can have a column relationship. But this is not required |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Department.Department | Represents a row of Department table of database. This helps you to categorise your lines. This object fires data modification events |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Designer.Matrix.MatrixDesignerItem | Represents a column/row of Matrix Desiger feature of x4Trace. Stores the amount of resources. Name of the database table is MatrixDesignerItem. This object fires data modification events |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Designer.Matrix.MatrixDesignerShiftDay | Represents a column of Matrix Desiger feature of x4Trace. Name of the database table is MatrixDesignerShiftDay. This object fires data modification events |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Designer.Sequential.SequentialDesignerItem | Represents a row of Sequential Desiger feature of x4Trace. Name of the database table is SequentialDesignerItem. This object fires data modification events. If you want to duplicate row of same Operation. You have to copy the order block. This is useful if you want do split this operation |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.DisplayPlugin.DisplayPlugin | Represents a Display plugin of x4Trace. Name of the database table is DisplayPlugin. When you login a terminal, the display will be displayed by the selected row of this table |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Documentation.DocumentTypes | Represents a DocumentType of x4Trace. Name of the database table is DocumentTypes. Categorize the documents of the product |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.DownTimeCategories.DownTimeCategory | Represents a Category of downtime. Name of the database table is DownTimeCategory |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.DownTimeCategories.DownTimeCategoryRight | Represents a Data to store the Rigth to approve downtime of a category of downtime. Name of the database table is DownTimeCategoryRight |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Driver.Driver | Represents a Driver of x4Trace. Name of the database table is Driver. The Driver is a part of the Line/Division. This object fires data modification events |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Driver.DriverTypes | Represents a Driver of x4Trace. Name of the database table is DriverTypes. Categorize the drivers |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Driver.DriverVariable | Represents a variable of Driver of x4Trace. Name of the database table is DriverVariable |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Driver.DriverVariableKeys | Represents a key varriable of Driver of x4Trace. Uses for help the user. Data of the list of the available keys/variables |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.Flow | Represents a Flow of x4Trace. Name of the database table is Flow. This object fires data modification events. This is the base of the production, contains the opeations and manufacturin instructions |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowAddInfo | Represents a flow additional information of x4Trace. Name of the database table is FlowAddInfo. Uses for when the product instance has a special information, when It is on an operation/block |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowBlock | Represents one operation or a group of operations of the flow. Name of the database table is FlowBlock |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowBlockConnection | Represents a connection between two port of blocks. Name of the database table is FlowBlockConnection |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowBlockDocuments | Represents the avalilable type of documents of the block. Name of the database table is FlowBlockDocuments |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowBlockInput | Represents the input ports of the block. Name of the database table is FlowBlockInput. This is the box at the top of the flowblock on GUI |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowBlockOutput | Represents the output ports of the block. Name of the database table is FlowBlockOutput. This is the box at the bottom of the flowblock on GUI |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowBlockProcessVariable | Represents a variable of flow block. This variable is a variable of the process. Name of the database table is FlowBlockProcessVariable |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowBlockProductVariable | Represents a variable of passed product of block. This variable is a variable of the product. For example a measured value during the operation, or a mounted/assembled partnumber. Name of the database table is FlowBlockProductVariable |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowBlockVariable | Represents a variable of block. Name of the database table is FlowBlockVariable |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowOperationGroup | Represents a group of operations. Contains one or more operations. Name of the database table is FlowOperationGroup |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowVariable | Represents a variable of flow. If you vant to add a variable to block, you have to record it in this table. Name of the database table is FlowVariable |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Kanban.KanbanBox | Represents a kanban box of x4Trace. Use for store instances/parts. Name of the database table is KanbanBox |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Kanban.KanbanBoxEvents | Represents an event of kanbanbox. Name of the database table is KanbanBoxEvents. Not in use |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Kanban.KanbanBoxInstance | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Kanban.KanbanLocation | Represents a location of kanban box. Use for store boxes. Name of the database table is KanbanLocation |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Kanban.KanbanLocationEvents | Represents an event of location. Name of the database table is KanbanLocationEvents. Not in use |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.License.License | Represents the license key. Name of the database table is License. This table has only one row |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Line.Line | Represents a line of x4Trace. Name of the database table is Line |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Line.LineDivision | Represents a division of line. Name of the database table is LineDivision. This object fires data modification events |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Line.LineDivisionDriver | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Line.LineDivisionProcesses | Represents a process of line division |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Line.LineModuleTypes | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Operations.Operation | Represents an Operation of x4Trace. This is the toolbox items of the flow. Name of the database table is Operation |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Operations.OperationPort | Represents a Port of Operation of x4Trace. This is connection box at the top and bottom side of the flow block. Name of the database table is OperationPort |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Order.Order | Represents a Order of x4Trace. The order contains all element of an ordered production. Name of the database table is Order |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Order.OrderBlock | Represents a block of order. The orderblock generated from flow block. Simply case is when one flow block has one order block. In a difficoult case one flow block has multiple order block connection. Name of the database table is OrderBlock. This object fires data modification events |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Order.OrderBlockOperation | Represents a block of order. The orderblock operation generated from flow block operation group. Name of the database table is OrderBlockOperation |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Order.OrderDayResult | Represents a summary of production of a day. The orderblock operation generated from flow block operation group. This is not a table. This is only a result of a select to simplify the data handling |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Order.OrderInstance | Represents an instance / part of an order. Instance is a unique part which has unique ID (Code). In this case the Qty variable is allways one. OR instance means more parts if the production based on quantity, not identify every unique parts. In this case the Qty variable is a positive number. Name of the database table is OrderInstance. There are 4 possible code of instance |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Order.OrderInstanceGroup | Represents a group of instances / parts. For example your product is panelized. You can identify the panel with a code. And when the panel passes an operation all of instance will pass. Name of the database table is OrderInstanceGroup |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Order.OrderStatus | Represent a status of the order. Name of the database table is OrderStatus |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.PerformanceTest.PerformanceTestOld | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Product.Documentation | Represent a documentation item of product. The documentation file is saved not in the database. The file is saced on x4tRoot directory. Name of the database table is Documentation |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Product.Product | Represents a product of x4Trace. Name of the database table is Product |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Product.ProductDoc | Represent a connection between documentation and product. Name of the database table is ProductDoc |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Product.ProductFlow | Represents a connection between Flow and Product. Name of the database table is ProductDoc |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Product.ProductProperties | Represents a Property of a Product. These properties are accessable by PLCs or other machnies in production. Name of the database table is ProductProperties |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Product.ProductRecipe | Represents a Receipt item of a Product. These are the components of the product. For example use for pass of instance or not. Name of the database table is ProductRecipe |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.BlockInputManager.BlockInputSummary | Summary of block input. Table is not exist. Use only for select |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.DownTime.ProductionDownTime | Represents a Downtime of processes on Order. Name of the database table is ProductionDownTime |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.DownTime.ProductionDownTimeApprove | Represents an Approvement of Downtime. Name of the database table is ProductionDownTimeApprove |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcess | Represents a process of production. A process starts by ProductionTask/ProductionTaskAssignment. A process collets data to order block the order block is connected to flow block. Name of the database table is ProductionProcess |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessAssembly | Represents an assembly of passed instance of productionprocess. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessAssembly |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessDocuments | Represents a documentation of documents, which document was used during the process. Pairs the process ID with documentation ID. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessDocuments |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessDownTime | Represents a Downtime by process. When you start a downtime, every process has own unique measured downtime. This is a different part od the Production downtime. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessDownTime |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessEmployee | Represents an Employee of process. Employee = User. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessEmployee |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessInput | Represents a the input of the processes. When an instance passes the order block/operation the process will check the input. Not availabe to pass an instance which is on another block's input. This input is identified by flow block. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessInput |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessInstanceAdditionalInfo | Represents an additional information of instance. An information is stored when the instance passes te block/operation. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessInstanceAdditionalInfo |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessLog | Represents a log line of the process. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessLog |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessOutput | Represents a the traffic of the output ports. When an istance passes the block/operation, it will be registered here. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessOutput |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessOutputFlowConnections | Represents a connection between other flow blocks and passed items. Use for example quality control detects a defect, and the defect occurred during another operation. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessOutputFlowConnections |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessOutputVarNum | Represents a number value of product variable. When an instance passes of block, the value of variable can store here. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessOutputVarNum |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessOutputVarTxt | Represents a text value of product variable. When an instance passes of block, the value of variable can store here. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessOutputVarTxt |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessVarNum | Represents a number value of process variable. When a process starts the values can store here. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessVarNum |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessVarTxt | Represents a text value of process variable. When a process starts the values can store here. Name of the database table is ProductionProcessVarTxt |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Task.ProductionProcessTaskAssignment | Represents a User assignment to a task. Use for select only. This entity does not exist in databese |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Task.ProductionTask | Represents a generated task by resource designer. Task id needed to start a process. Task contains cells and cells contain assitnments/users. Name of the database table is ProductionTask |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Task.ProductionTaskAssignment | Represents a User assignment to a task. Process starts by this. Name of the database table is ProductionTaskAssignment |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Task.ProductionTaskCell | Represents a cell of task. Cell contains the assignments. Name of the database table is ProductionTaskCell |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.ProductionProcess.ProductionProcessAdditionalInfoCategory | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.ProductionProcess.ProductionProcessInputSumByFlowBlockID | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.ProductionProcess.ProductionProcessInstanceVariableNumber | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.ProductionProcess.ProductionProcessInstanceVariableString | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.ProductionProcess.ProductionProcessOperation | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.ProductionProcess.ProductionProcessOutputSumByFlowBlockID | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.ProductionProcess.ProductionProcessPause | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.ProductionProcess.ProductionProcessVariable | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.ProductionProcessInputManager.ProductionProcessInputSumResult | Represent a summary object of a result of block input. This object has no table in database. Use only for select |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Report.Report | Represents a Report. Name of the database table is Report |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Report.ReportControl | Represents a Control of report. These are the GUI element of the report. Name of the database table is ReportControl |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Report.ReportGridColumn | Represents column data of grid of report. Name of the database table is ReportGridColumn |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.ServerPlugin.ServerPlugin | Represents a server plugin of x4Trace. Name of the database table is ServerPlugin |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.ServerPlugin.ServerPluginExternalParameter | Represents an external parameter of server plugin. Name of the database table is ServerPluginExternalParameter |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.ServerPlugin.ServerPluginParameter | Represents a parameter of server plugin. Name of the database table is ServerPluginParameter |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Shift.Shift | Represents a shift of x4Trace. Name of the database table is Shift |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Shift.ShiftCalendar | Represents a calendar of shifts. This record have to be exist, to design resources to a day. Name of the database table is ShiftCalendar |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Terminal.Terminal | Represents data of terminal. Name of the database table is Terminal |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Terminal.TerminalRemoteServerPlugins | Represents a connection between terminal and server plugin. Name of the database table is TerminalRemoteServerPlugins |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Terminal.TerminalUser | Represents a loggedin User of terminal. This is the current status of terminal, not a log. Name of the database table is TerminalUser |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Terminal.TerminalVariables | Represents a variable of the terminal. This is like the settings file. Name of the database table is TerminalVariables |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.User | Represents a user of x4Trace. Name of the database table is User |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.UserCategory | Represents a category of user. Name of the database table is UserCategory |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.UserDivision | Represents a division of user. Name of the database table is UserCategory |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.UserGrantedRight | Represents a granted rigth for user. Name of the database table is UserGrantedRight |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.UserGroup | Represents a group for users. Name of the database table is UserGroup |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.UserGroupRights | Represents a granted rigth of user group. Every member of the group will be granted with this right. Name of the database table is UserGroupRight |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.UserMemberOfGroup | Represents a member of user group. Name of the database table is UserMemberOfGroup |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.UserRight | Represents a right of user. The system inserts it automatically by the graphics controllers. If you want to define a new one, you have to implement it in the inheritation of Ix4Trace.Graphics.GraphicsController. Name of the database table is UserRight |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.ProcessLock.ProcessLockObject | Represents entity of the lock |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Database.Entity.Entity2 | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Database.Entity.EntityData | Represents data of entity. Caches insert and update command. Stores data of columns |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.UpdateListener.EntityToken | Represents a token of entity. Use for the update entities on other clients automatically |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.EntityXML | Saves enyities of an object to XML. Makes insert SQL commands |
►CException | |
CFlowLib.Engine.ConnectionIsExistException | Exception: Connection is exist |
CIFlowLib.GUI.FinishOrStartIsSelected | Exception: Finish or Start block mustn't be selected |
CIFlowLib.GUI.MoreThanOneBlockHaveToBeSelected | Exception: More than one block have to be selected |
CIFlowLib.GUI.NoSelectedBlockException | Exception: You have to select a block |
CIFlowLib.GUI.NotConnectionSelectedException | Exception: No connection selected! |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Database.Entity.EmptyEntityPropertyException | Exception of empty value of property of entity |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.MDTException | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Designer.Sequential.FinishDateOFSequentialItemIsSmallerThanStartException | Exception: Finish date of sequenatial item is smaller than start date |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Designer.Sequential.SequentialItemIsAlreadyFinishedException | Exception: Item of sequential designer is already finished |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Driver.VariableNotFoundException | Exception: Driver variable not found |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureNotFoundException | Feature not found exception |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FileServer.NoFileException | Exception: File does not exists |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Flow.BlockVariableIsAlreadyAddedException | Exception: Variable is already added |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Line.LineRemoteControl.LineException | Basic exception of line |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Line.LineRemoteControl.LineIsNotRunningOnServerException | Exception: This line/division is not running on server |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Line.LineRemoteControl.RemoteControllerIsAlreadyConnectedException | Exception: Line remote controller is already connected |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.DownTimeCoverAllBlockException | Exception: Down time covers all of processes of this block! |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.DownTimeIsStillRunningException | Exception: "Down Time is still running! |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.DuplicatedCodeException | Exception: Duplicated code |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.GeneratedBlockIsMissingException | Exception: Generated block is missing |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.GroupNotFoundException | Exception: Instance group is not exists |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.InstanceAlreadyExistsException | Exception: Instance is already exists |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.InstanceDictionaryIsNotExistException | Exception: Instance dictionary is not exists |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.InstanceNotFoundException | Exception: Instance is not exists |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.MoreThanOneInputException | Exception: Block has more than one input! |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.NoFloException | Exception: Order has no flow |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.ProductNotFoundException | Exception: Product not found |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.ProcessLock.LockException | Exception: Processlock is not sucessfull |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.AssignmentIsFinishedException | Exception: Status of this assignment is finished |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.DestinationBlockIsStartBlockException | Exception: The destination block is the start block. This forward is not available |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.EmptyParameterException | Exception: The parameter is empty |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.FlowBlockMissingException | Exception: Flow block is missing |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.KanbanBoxIsNotExist | Exception: Kanban box is not exist |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.NoInputException | Exception: Input is not exists |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.NoInstanceException | Exception: There is no production instance |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.NoInstanceIDException | Exception: Instance ID is not exists. Instances without ID have to complete with quantity only |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.NoOutputException | Exception: Output is not exists |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.NoProductionTaskCellException | Exception: There is no cell in production task |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.NoProductionTaskException | Exception: There is no production task |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.NotAvailableDuplicateException | Exception: Duplicated completed product is not available |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.OutputPortHasNoConnectionException | Exception: Output port has no connection |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.ProductIsOnOtherOperationException | Exception: Product is on other operation |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.QtyLessException | Exception: Quanity is less than required or instance is already completed |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.QtyLessThanZeroException | Exception: Quantity must not be zero or less than zero |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.RollbackToStartIsNotAvailableException | Exception: Rollback to start is not available |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.UserAlreadyLoggedInException | Exception: One or more user is already logged in |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Task.DesignerItemNotFoundException | Exception: The connection item of desiger is not exists |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Task.ProductionOrderOperationBlockIsNotExistsException | Exception: Order block is not exists |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.QRCode.GeneratingBMPEventIsMissingException | Exception: BMP generator event is missing |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.ServerPlugin.ServerPluginIsAlreadyConnected | Exception: Server Plugin is already connected |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Shift.NoCalendarSpanException | Exception: Calendar span is not exist |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.BasePWException | Exception: Password is not correct |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.CheckPWException | Exception: New password is different! |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.NoRightException | Exception: User has no right to access the function |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.OldPWException | Exception: Old password is not correct! |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.UserNotFoundException | Exception: User not found |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Sequential.TwoRowHasToBeSelectedException | Exception: Two rows have to be selected |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Conveyance.DestinationIsNotSelectedException | Exception: Destination is not selected |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Conveyance.NoGeneratedOrderBlockException | Exception: No generated order block |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Conveyance.NoSelectedInstanceException | Exception: No selected instance |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Conveyance.PortIsNotSelectedException | Exception: Port is not selected |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.ConveyanceIsDisabledBecauseFlowIsNotSavedException | Exception: Conveyance is disabled, flow is not saved |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.UnableToDeleteFlowBlockDueExistingProcessException | Exception: A selected block has one or more started process. Ths block is unable to delete |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.UnableToDeleteFlowBlockDueInputElementsException | Exception: A selected block has input elements. Ths block is unable to delete |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.NoRowSelected | Exception: No selected row |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.NoSelectedCellOrAssign | Exception: Please, select a cell or assign |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.NoSelectedTask | Exception: No selected task |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.NoSelectedTaskOrCell | Exception: No selected task or cell |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.OnlyOneTaskHaveToBeSelected | Exception: You have to select only one task to finish the operation |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.RecordIsLockedException | Exception: Record is locked |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Driver.DriverTimeoutException | Exception: Driver process is timed out |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Driver.DriverVariableNotFoundException | Exception: Driver varriable is missing |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Line.HasRunningProcessException | Exception: This line already has a running process |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Line.ProcessNotFoundException | Exception: Process not found. |
CTools.Assembly.TypeNotFoundException | Exception: Type not found |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Feature | Feature is a basic entity handling object of x4Trace |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Department.IDepartmentFeature | Represent a department feature |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Designer.Matrix.IMatrixDesignerFeature | Represents the matrix designer feature. Use to design resources to order blocks. The rows are the blocks of orders. The columns are the days and shifts |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Designer.Sequential.ISequentialDesignerFeature | Sequential designer of x4Trace. Use to design resources of a line |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.DisplayPlugin.IDisplayPluginFeature | Represents a feature of display plugin. Handling of display plugin entity |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Documentation.IDocumentTypeFeature | Represents a feature of document type |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Driver.IDriverFeature | Represents a feature of driver. This is the database representation of driver. Not the real driver. Containd the data of driver |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Driver.IDriverVariableFeature | Represents a variable feature of driver |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Event.Events | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< TEntity, TFeature > | Represent a list of features. Basic feature handlig functions are implemented in this object |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< TEntity, TFeature > | Represent a list of feature. The feature contains this list of another feature |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FileServer.FileServer | Represent the file server feature. Handling file on server |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Flow.IFlowAddInfoFeature | Represents additional information feature of the flow |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Flow.IFlowBlockEditFeature | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Flow.IFlowEditFeature | Represents the edit feature of the flow |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Flow.IFlowFeature | Represents the flow feature. Use to edit of the flow |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Flow.IFlowVariableFeature | Represents list of flow varriable feature |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Kanban.IKanbanBoxFeature | Represents a kanban box feature. Stores instances |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Kanban.IKanbanBoxInstanceFeature | Represents an Instance of kanban box |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Kanban.IKanbanLocationFeature | Represents a kanban location feature |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Kanban.KanbanBoxOrderInput | Represents an input feature of a block for kanban box |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Line.ILineDivision | Represents a line/division. Division is a part of the line. Where the line consists of different operations/flow block. If the line is one operation you need to have only one line/division, but one line / division is required. For example: Line 1/All, or Line1/Operation 1 and Line1/Operation 2.. |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Line.ILineFeature | Represents a feature of line |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Operation.IOperationFeature | Represents an operation feature. The flow blocks contains these operations |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Operation.IOperationPort | Represents a port feature of operations |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.Archive.IArchivedOrderFeature | Represent an achived feature of the order |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.Archive.IOrderArchiveFeature | Represent an archiving function of orders |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.IInstanceFeature | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.IOrderBlockFeature | Represents a feature of the order block. If you need tow rows in one of a designer, you need to copy the order block |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.IOrderBlockOperationFeature | Represent an order block operation feature |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.IOrderFeature | Represents the Order feature of x4Trace |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.IOrderInstanceFeature | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.OrderStatus.IOrderStatusFeature | Represents a feature of order status |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.ProcessLock.ProcessLock | Represents the feature of the process lock. A process lock is valid for all system. Locks the data/code for all clients |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Product.IProductDocFeature | Represent a feature of the documentation of the product |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Product.IProductFeature | Represent a feature of the product |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Product.IProductFlowFeature | Represent a connection feature of product to flow |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Product.IProductPropertyFeature | Represents a propery feature of the product |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Product.IProductRecipeFeature | Represents a recipe feature of the product |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.BlockInputManager.IBlockInputFeature | Represents a block input summary feature |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.DownTime.DownTimeCategoryRightFeature | Represents a category right of downtime feature |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.DownTime.IDownTimeCategoryFeature | Category feature of downtime |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.DownTime.IDownTimeFeature | Represents a feature of downtime |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.DownTime.IProcessDownTimeFeature | Represents a downtime feature of the process |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.IProductionProcessFeature | Represents a Feature of production process. This feature is an individual work of x4Trace. Such as work an operation and forward/pass instances. An employee or a line/machine can work on a process. Forward: Means an instance passes the operation. Result: The result of the forward. Means the way of product in the flow. If you want to extend the numbers of results you have to record the new one into table of OperationPortTypes. This makes possible for user to select the type during the editing the port of the flow block. When you want to pass a product with this new result, just give this result to Forward methods |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.IProductionProcessOutputAddInfoFeature | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.IProductionProcessOutputFlowConnectionFeature | Flow block connection feature of process output |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.IProductionProcessOutputNumVariableFeature | Represents a number value of the output |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.IProductionProcessOutputTxtVariableFeature | Represents a text/string value of the output |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.ProcessInput.IProductionProcessInputFeature | Represents an input feature of flow block. Stores the input instances of the block |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Task.ICellFeature | Feature of the cell of task management. Enables to add assignment to a task |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Task.IProductionTaskFeature | Feature of the production task. Enables to assign employees to work on a block of order |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Task.UserAssigns.IUserAssignment | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.QRCode.IQRCodeGeneratorFeature | Represent a feature of QR code generator |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Report.IReportControlFeature | Represents a control of the report feature. Textbox/Combobox etc |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Report.IReportFeature | Represents a feature of report |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Report.IReportGridColumnFeature | Represents a column data feature of the report |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.ServerPlugin.IServerPluginFeature | Represents a feature of the server plugin |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Shift.IShiftFeature | Represents a feature of the shift |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Terminal.ITerminalFeature | Represents a terminal feature. Controls the terminal remotley |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Terminal.ITerminalVariableFeature | Represents a feature of terminal variable |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.UpdateListener.IEntityListener | Represent a feature of lisening of entities |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.ILoginFeature | Represents a feature of login |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.IRightFeature | Represents a right feature |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.IUserCategoryFeature | Represents a feature of user category |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.IUserDivisionFeature | Represents a user category feature |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.IUserFeature | Represents a feature of user |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.IUserGroupFeature | Represents a group feature of users |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureConnection | Represent a connection a feature and other type entities. Uses for fast fill of lists |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.EntityDictionaryFC< TEntity > | Connected entity dictionary |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.EntityListFC | List of connected data. This list have to be ordered by key |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureDictionary2FC | Represents dictionary of feature connections |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureDictionaryFC< TFeature > | Connected dictionary of feature |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.SingleFC | Single connection of feature and entity |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureConnectionData | Data collection of connections |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Entity.DownTimeCategories.DownTimeCategory, IDownTimeCategoryFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.DownTime.IDownTimeCategoryListFeature | Represents a list feature od downtime categories |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Entity.Production.BlockInputManager.BlockInputSummary, IBlockInputFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.BlockInputManager.IBlockInputListFeature | |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Entity.Production.DownTime.ProductionDownTime, IDownTimeFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.DownTime.IDownTimeListFeature | Represents a list of downtime |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Department.Department, IDepartmentFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Department.IDepartmentListFeature | Represents the list of departnemts. Use to edit, list and handling the departments |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.DisplayPlugin.DisplayPlugin, IDisplayPluginFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.DisplayPlugin.IDisplayPluginList | List of display plugin |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Documentation.DocumentTypes, IDocumentTypeFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Documentation.IDocumentTypeListFeature | Represents list of document type |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Driver.Driver, IDriverFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Driver.IDriverListFature | Represent a list of driver feature |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.Flow, IFlowFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Flow.IFlowListFeature | Represents a list of flow feature |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowAddInfo, IFlowAddInfoFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Flow.IFlowAddInfoFeatureList | Represents a list of additional information of the flow |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Flow.FlowVariable, IFlowVariableFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Flow.IFlowVariableListFeature | Represents list of flow variables |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Kanban.KanbanBox, IKanbanBoxFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Kanban.IKanbanBoxListFeature | Represent a list of kanban box |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Kanban.KanbanLocation, IKanbanLocationFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Kanban.IKanbanLocationListFeature | Represents a list of kanban location |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Line.Line, ILineFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Line.ILineListFeature | Represent a list of lines |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Operations.Operation, IOperationFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Operation.IOperationListFeature | Represnts a list of operations |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Order.Order, IArchivedOrderFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.Archive.IArchivedOrderFeatureList | Represents a list of archived features |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Order.Order, IOrderFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.IOrderListFeature | Represents the list of the orders |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Order.OrderStatus, IOrderStatusFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.OrderStatus.IOrderStatusFeatureList | Represents list of order status |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Product.Product, IProductFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Product.IProductListFeature | Represents a list feature of the product |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcess, IProductionProcessFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.IProductionProcessListFeature | Represents a list of production processes |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessInstanceAdditionalInfo, IProductionProcessOutputAddInfoFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.IProductionProcessOutputAddInfoListFeature | Represents additional information list of the process output |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessOutputFlowConnections, IProductionProcessOutputFlowConnectionFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.IProductionProcessOutputFlowConnectionListFeature | Represents a list feature of the connections of outputs to flow blocks |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessOutputVarNum, IProductionProcessOutputNumVariableFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.IInstanceVariableNumListFeature | List of the number variables of instance |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.IProductionProcessOutputNumVariableListFeature | List of the number variables of the production process output |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Process.ProductionProcessOutputVarTxt, IProductionProcessOutputTxtVariableFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.IInstanceVariableTxtListFeature | List of the text variables of instance |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.IProductionProcessOutputTxtVariableListFeature | List of the text variables of the production process output |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Task.ProductionTask, IProductionTaskFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Task.IProductionTaskListFeature | Represents a list of production task |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Production.Task.ProductionTaskAssignment, IUserAssignment > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Task.UserAssigns.IUserAssignmentList | |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Report.Report, IReportFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Report.IReportListFeature | Represents a list of reports |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.ServerPlugin.ServerPlugin, IServerPluginFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.ServerPlugin.IServerPluginListFeature | Represent a list of the server plugins |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Shift.Shift, IShiftFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Shift.IShiftListFeature | Represents a list of shifts |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Terminal.Terminal, ITerminalFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Terminal.ITerminalListFeature | Represents a list of terminals |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.User, IUserFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.IUserListFeature | Represents a list feature of users |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.UserCategory, IUserCategoryFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.IUserCategoryListFeature | Represents a list feaure of user categories |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.UserDivision, IUserDivisionFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.IUserDivisionListFeature | Represents a list of divisions of users |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.UserGroup, IUserGroupFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.IUserGroupListFeature | Represents a list feature of user groups |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.User.UserRight, IRightFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.User.IRightListFeature | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureManager | Represents of management object of features. If you want to create a Feature or a feature list, you have to Create the instances by this feature |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Driver.DriverVariable, IDriverVariableFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Driver.IDriverVariableListFeature | Represents list of driver varriable feature |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Line.LineDivision, ILineDivision > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Line.ILineDivisionSubList | Represents of a list of division of the line |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Operations.OperationPort, IOperationPort > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Operation.IOperationPortSubList | Sub list of the operation ports |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Order.OrderBlock, IOrderBlockFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.IOrderBlockSubList | Represents a list of order block |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Order.OrderBlockOperation, IOrderBlockOperationFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.IOrderBlockOperationSubList | Represents a list of the order block operation feature |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Product.ProductDoc, IProductDocFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Product.IProductDocSubListFeature | Represents a list of product documents |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Product.ProductFlow, IProductFlowFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Product.IProductFlowSubListFeature | Represents a list of the flow of product |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Product.ProductProperties, IProductPropertyFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Product.IProductPropertyListFeature | Represent a list feature of the propery of product |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Product.ProductRecipe, IProductRecipeFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Product.IProductRecipeListFeature | Represents a list feature of product recipe |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Report.ReportControl, IReportControlFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Report.IReportControlListFeature | Represents a list of the controls of the report |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Report.ReportGridColumn, IReportGridColumnFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Report.IReportGridColumnListFeature | Represents a list of colmn data of grid |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.FeatureSubList< Ix4Trace.Engine.Entity.Terminal.TerminalVariables, ITerminalVariableFeature > | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Terminal.ITerminalVariableSublistFeature | Represents a list feature of terminal variables |
CTools.File | Represents a file handler class |
CFlowLib.Engine.FlowController | Represents the controller of flow |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Line.FlushItem | Item for flush instances. Use for buffering of passed parts/instances. Greatly increses the performance of run |
CIGraphics.Drawing2D.GFXTools | Represents a tool class for drawing |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.GraphicsCreator | Represent a graphics creator of x4Trace. Creates graphics controllers by name. Creates IUpdateGrid by name |
►CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.GMessage.GraphicsMessage | Class of message to plugin or graphics controller. The plugin or graphics controller do something when get the message. Uses for when you want to do something after the plugin is loaded. Runs after the plugin loaded |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.GMessage.GShowMessageBox | Shows a messagebox |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.GMessage.GStartProcess | Starts the process |
►CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UpdateGrid.GridToken | Represents a grid token. In many cases It means a row of a grid. But in fact, It contains cells of grid, which are related to each other. The token could be an intersection of rows and columns. For examlpe: The cells contain members of an entity. The grid token connects the entity or feature/(connected features) with the GUI. The GUI of x4Trace does not contain data bindings, because It solves the GUI update with tokens |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.DeparmentList.DepartmentToken | Represents a token of department. This is a line of department grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Matrix.OrderBlockItemToken | Represents a part of the grid. This is the intersection of the order block and the shift of a day |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Matrix.OrderBlockToken | Represents an order block token of matrix designer. This is the row of the designer. Shows the blocks of the orders |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Matrix.OrderToken | Represents an order token of matrix designer. This is the header row of the order. Shows data of order |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Matrix.ShiftDayToken | Represents a header token of matrix designer. This is the header resources. Contains the shift of a day |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Sequential.SequentialBlockItemToken | Represents a token of the sequential designer grid of x4Trace. This is the row of the designer. One row represents one order block |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Sequential.UnsortedSequentialToken | Represents a token of non designed order blocks grid of x4Trace |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Documentation.DocumentTypeToken | Represents a token of document grid of x4Trace |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.DownTime.Category.DownTimeCategoryToken | Represents a token of downtime category. This is a line of downtime category grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.AddInfo.AddInfoToken | Represents a token of additional information of flow. This is a line of add info grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.FlowBlock.OperationToken | Represents a token of operation of flow block. This is a line of operation grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.FlowBlock.VariableToken | Represents a token of block variable. This is a line of varriable grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.FlowToken | Represents a token of flow. This is a line of flow grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.Variables.VariableToken | Represents a token of variable. This is a line of variable grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Kanban.KanbanBoxToken | Represents a token of kanban box grid. This is a line of kanban box grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Kanban.KanbanInstanceToken | Represents a token of inhalt of kanban box. This is a line of inhalt of kanban box grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Kanban.KanbanLocationToken | Represents a token of grid of location. This is a line of location grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Kanban.KanbanProcessInputToken | Represents a token of inhalt of kanban box. This is a line of inhalt of kanban box grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.DivisionToken | Represents a token of division. This is a line of division grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.DriverToken | Represents a token of driver. This is a line of driver grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.DriverVarToken | Represents a token of variable of driver. This is a line of driver variable grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.LineMonitor.LineMonitorToken | Represents a token of line/division. This is a line of line/division grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.LineToken | Represents a token of line. This is a line of line grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.OperationList.OperationPortToken | Represents a token of operation port. This is a line of operation port grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.OperationList.OperationToken | Represents a token of operation. This is a line of operation grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Archive.ArchivedOrderToken | Represents a token of archived order. This is a line of archived order grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Conveyance.ConveyanceToken | Represents a token of conveyance. This is a line of conveyance grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.DownTime.DownTimeProcessToken | Represents a token of process of downtime. This is a line of downtime process grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.DownTime.DownTimeToken | Represents a token of downtime of order. This is a line of downtime grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Instance.GroupToken | Represents a token of instance group. This is a line of instance group grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Instance.InstanceToken | Represents a token of instance. This is a line of instance grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.OrderBlockOperationToken | Represents a token of block grid of order. This is a subline of grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.OrderBlockToken | Represents a token of block of order. This is a line of orderblock grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.OrderToken | Represents a token of order grid. This is a line of grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.OrderProcessDownTimeToken | Represents a token of downtime grid of process. This is a line of grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.OrderProcessLogToken | Represents a token of log of process. This is a line of grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.OrderProcessOutputAddInfoToken | Represents a token of additional information grig of process output. This is a line of grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.OrderProcessOutputFlowConnectionToken | Represents a token of flow connection grid of process output. This is a line of grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.OrderProcessOutputNumToken | Represents a token of vumber values grid of process output. This is a line of grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.OrderProcessOutputToken | Represents a token of output grid of process. This is a line of grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.OrderProcessOutputTxtToken | Represents a token of text value grid of output of process. This is a line of grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.OrderProcessToken | Represents a token of process grid of order. This is a line of grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.OrderProcessVariableToken | Represents a token of varriable grid of process. This is a line of grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.OrderStatus.OrderStatusToken | Represents a token of orderstatus grid. This is a line of grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Product.ProductDocToken | Represents a token of documentation of product. This is a line of documentation grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Product.ProductFlowToken | Represents a token of flow of product. This is a line of flow grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Product.ProductPropertyToken | Represents a token of property of product. This is a line of property grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Product.ProductRecipeToken | Represents a token of precipe of product. This is a line of recipe grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Product.ProductToken | Represents a token of product. This is a line of product list grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.AssignmentToken | Represents a token of assignment of task. This is a subline of task grid. One user is a row |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.CellToken | Represents a token of cell of task. This is a line of driver variable grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.TaskToken | Represents a token of variable of driver. This is a line of driver variable grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.UserAssignmentList.UserAssignmentToken | Represents a token of user assignment. This is a line of assignment grid of user |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Reports.ReportControlToken | Represents a token of report control. This is a line of control grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Reports.ReportListToken | Represents a token of report grid. This is a line of report grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.ServerPluginList.ServerPluginParameterToken | |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.ServerPluginList.ServerPluginToken | Represents a token of server plugin. This is a line of server plugin grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Shift.ShiftCalendarToken | |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Shift.ShiftToken | |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Terminal.TerminalToken | Represents a token of terminal. This is a line of terminal grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Terminal.TerminalVariableToken | Represents a token of variable of terminal. This is a line of terminal variable grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserList.GroupToken | Represents a token of group of users. This is a line of usergroup grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserList.RightToken | Represents a token of rigth. This is a line of right grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserList.UserCategoryToken | Represents a token of user category. This is a line of user category grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserList.UserDivisionToken | Represents a token of user division grid. This is a line of user division grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserList.UserToken | Represents a token of user grid. This is a line of user grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserSelect.UserSelectToken | Represents a token of user selection grid. This is a line of user selection grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UpdateGrid.GridTokenData | Represents a class of previous status of token data |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.ProcessDisplay.IAddInfoCHKList | Reprtesents the checklist of the additional information |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.AddInfo.IAddInfoListGrid | Represents a grid of additional informations of flow |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Task.IAssignmentItem | Represents an item of assignment of task |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Task.IAssignmentStat | Represent an assignment statistic data object |
►CFlowLib.Engine.IBlockAgency | Represents the agency of block. This is the behaviour of block. When you implement this interface the block will handle It |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Flow.FlowAgency | Represents an agent object of the block of the flow. This is the behaiour of the flow block |
CIFlowLib.GUI.IBlockBox | GUI element of block |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.FlowBlock.IBlockVariableList | Represents the variable list of the block of the flow |
CIGraphics.Controls.IButton | Represents a GUI interface of button |
CIGraphics.Grid.ICell | Represents a cell of grid |
CIGraphics.Grid.ICellData | Represents a data of cell |
CIGraphics.Grid.ICellList | Represents a list of cells. Row is also a cell list |
CIGraphics.Controls.ICheckedListBox | Represents a GUI interface of checked list box |
CIGraphics.GInterface.IColor | |
CIGraphics.Grid.IColumn | Represents a column of grid |
CIGraphics.Grid.IColumns | |
CIGraphics.Controls.IComboBox | Represents a GUI interface of combobox |
►CIComparable | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Designer.Sequential.ISequentialBlockItem | Represents an item of the sequential designer. One row of this designer is an order block. If you need more one row with same block you have to copy the orderblock |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Conveyance.IConveyanceListGrid | Represents a grid of coveyance list |
CIGraphics.Controls.IDateTimePicker | GUI interface of datetime picker |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.DeparmentList.IDeparmentListGrid | Represents a grid of deparment list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.IDivisionListGrid | Represents a grid of divisions of lines |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Documentation.IDocumentTypeListGrid | Represents the grid of the documenttypes of x4Trace |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.DownTime.Category.IDownTimeCategoryGrid | Represents a grid of downtime category |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.ProcessDisplay.IDownTimeDisplay | Represents the layer of downtime |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.DownTime.IDownTimeListGrid | Represents a grid of downtime list of order |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.DownTime.IDownTimeProcessListGrid | Represents a grid of list of processes of downtime |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Driver.IDriver | Represents a driver of x4Trace. Handles the variables of a device. For example via modbus or S7 protokoll or etc... You can implement a driver for the server, server will load and run it |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.IDriverListGrid | Represents a grid of drivers of division |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Driver.IDriverManager | Represents a driver manager. Containg all of driverts of x4Trace |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.IDriverVarListGrid | Represents a grid of varriables of driver |
►CIEnumerable | |
CTools.XmlLoader | |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.FlowBlock.IFlowBlockOperationList | Represents a grid of operation list of flowblock |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.FlowBlock.IFlowBlockPortList | Represents the port list of the block of the flow |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.ProcessDisplay.IFlowConnectionsCHKList | Reprtesents the blocks of flow |
CIx4Trace.Desktop.FlowControl.IFlowDesigner | Represents a flowdesigner |
CIFlowLib.GUI.IFlowEditor | Represents the flow editor |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.IFlowListGrid | Represents a grid of flow list |
CIGraphics.GInterface.IFont | Font of GUI interface |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Reports.IGCReportView | Not in use |
CIGraphics.Drawing2D.IGFX2DScene | Represents a graphics 2D scene. Controls the graphics elements/primitives |
CIGraphics.GInterface.IGraphics | Represents an inteface of graphics. Not depend on operating system |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.IGraphicsController | Represents a basic class of graphics controller |
►CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.GraphicsController | Represents the graphics controller. Handles the GUI elements. Button click, selection change, etc. Calls methods of grids. AddControls method initializes the GUI elements of GraphicsController |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.DeparmentList.IGCDepartmentList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of department |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Matrix.IGCMatrixDesigner | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of matrix designer |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Sequential.IGCSequentialDesigner | Represents the graphics controller of sequential designer. Elements of sequential designer are order blocks |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Sequential.IGCSequentialUnsortedList | Represents graphics controller table of not designed oerder blocks |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Documentation.IGCDocumentTypeList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of type of documents |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.DownTime.Category.IGCDownTimeCategoryList | Represents the graphics controller of downtime category |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.AddInfo.IGCAddInfoList | Represents the graphics controller of additional informations of flow |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.IGCFlowBlock | Represents the graphics controller of flow block editor |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.IGCFlowEditor | Represents the graphics controller of flow editor. This shows the blocks and their connections of the flow |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.IGCFlowList | Represents the graphics controller of flow list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.Variables.IGCVarList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of variable list of flow |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Kanban.IGCKanbanBox | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of kanban boxes |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Kanban.IGCKanbanLocation | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of location of kanbanboxes |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.IGCDriverVarList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of variable list of driver |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.IGCLineList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of line list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.LineMonitor.IGCLineMonitor | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of line monitor |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.OperationList.IGCOperationList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of department |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Archive.IGCOrderArchive | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of arhived orders |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Conveyance.IGCConveyance | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of conveyance |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.IGCOrderEditor | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of editing of an order |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.IGCOrderList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of order list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Instance.IGCInstanceList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of instance list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.OrderStatus.IGCOrderStatus | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of status list of order |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Product.IGCProductList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of product list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.ProcessDisplay.IGCProcessDisplay | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of process display. Shows informaions of ordes, task and product. Collects informations of production |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.IGCProductionTask | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of Task management. Shows block/operations from designed resources |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.UserAssignmentList.IGCUserAssignment | |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Reports.IGCReportEditor | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of editing of report |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Reports.IGCReportList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of list of reports |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.ServerPluginList.IGCServerPluginList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of server plugins |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Shift.IGCShiftList | |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Terminal.IGCTerminalList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of terminal list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserList.IGCUserList | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of user list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserSelect.IGCUserSelect | Represents a graphics controller (GUI) of user selection |
CIGraphics.Grid.IGrid | Represents a grid, operating system independent |
CIGraphics.Grid.IGridControl | Represents an interface of input control of grid. Grid can show only controls with this interface |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserList.IGroupGrid | Represents a grid of group of users |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Instance.IGroupListGrid | Represents a grid of instance group list |
CIGraphics.Controls.IImageView | GUI interface of image view |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Instance.IInstanceListGrid | Represents a grid of instance list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Kanban.IKanbanBoxGrid | Represents a grid of kanban box list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Kanban.IKanbanLocationGrid | Represents a grid of kanban location list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Kanban.IKanbanProcessInputGrid | Represents a grid of inhalt of kanban box |
CIGraphics.Controls.ILabel | Represents GUI interface of Label |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.ILineListGrid | Represents a grid of line list |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Line.ILineManager | Represents the line manager of x4Trace. Contains the loaded line modules |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Line.LineMonitor.ILineMonitorListGrid | Represents a grid of line/division list |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Line.LineRemoteControl.ILineRemoteControllerFeature | Represents a remote controller of line. Use to manage the line from remotley |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Line.LineRemoteControl.ILineRemoteControllerManager | Represents a manager object of the remote controller of line |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Line.LineRemoteControl.ILineRemoteProcessFeature | |
CIx4Trace.Desktop.Images | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc |
CIGraphics.GInterface.IMargin | Represents a margin |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Designer.Matrix.IMatrixBlock | Represents a block of matrix designer. This is a row of matrix designer. Shows blocks of all active order. Makes available to design resources |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Designer.Matrix.IMatrixBlockDay | Represents a day of the matrix designer. Actually this is the columns of the matrix designer |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Matrix.IMatrixDesignerGrid | Represents the matrix designer grid |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Designer.Matrix.IMatrixDesignerOrder | Represents an order of the matrix designer. This object contains the block of orders |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Designer.Matrix.IMatrixShiftDay | Represents a day of the matrix designer. Contains the shifts for this day |
CIGraphics.Controls.IMGrid | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.InputPart | Represents a data of input to pass/forward parts of production process. This is a helper class to pass |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.InstanceBuffer | Represents a buffer of instances |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Line.InstanceData | Represents data of instance |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.InstanceFlowPath | Represents a path of instance in production |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.InstanceFlowPathBlock | Represents a block of instance path |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.InstanceFlowPathBlockIndex | Represents an output of block with index |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.OperationList.IOperationListGrid | Represents a grid of operation list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.OperationList.IOperationPortListGrid | Represents a grid of operation port list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Archive.IOrderArchiveGrid | Represents a grid of archived orders list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.IOrderBlockOperationGrid | Represents a grid of operations/block of order |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.IOrderListGrid | Represents a grid of list of order |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.IOrderProcessDownTimeGrid | Represents a grid of downtime list of process |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.IOrderProcessGrid | Represents a grid of process list of order |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.IOrderProcessLogGrid | Represents a grid of log list of process |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.IOrderProcessOutputAddInfoGrid | Represents a grid of output additional information list of process |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.IOrderProcessOutputFlowConnectionGrid | Represents a grid of output flow block connection list of process |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.IOrderProcessOutputGrid | Represents a grid of output list of process |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.IOrderProcessOutputNumVariableGrid | Represents a grid of number variables list of output of process |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.IOrderProcessOutputTxtVariableGrid | Represents a grid of text variables list of output of process |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Order.Process.IOrderProcessVariablesGrid | Represents a grid of variable list of process |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.OrderStatus.IOrderStatusGrid | Represents a grid of order status list |
CIGraphics.GInterface.IPen | Pen to draw lines |
CIGraphics.GInterface.IPoint | Represent a point |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.ProcessDisplay.IProcessDataDisplay | Represtent the display layer of process data |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.ProcessDisplay.IProcessDisplayInfoGrid | |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.ProcessDisplay.IProcessDisplayProcessDataGrid | Represents a grid of process data |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.ProcessDisplay.IProcessDisplayProductPropertiesGrid | Represents a grid of product properties of process data |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.ProcessDisplay.IProductDataDisplay | Represents the layer of product data |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Product.IProductDocGrid | Represents a grid of documentation of product |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Product.IProductFlowGrid | Represents a grid of flows of product |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Product.IProductListGrid | Represents a grid of product list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Product.IProductPropertyListGrid | Represents a grid of property list of product |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Product.IProductRecipeListGrid | Represents a grid of recipe list of product |
►CTools.Threading.IProgressBar | Reprenesnt an interface of progressbar |
CIx4Trace.Desktop.Plugins.ProgressBar.ProgressBar | Represents a progress bar |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.ProcessDisplay.IQRCommand | Represents the layer of commands |
CIGraphics.GInterface.IRectangle | Rectagle for drawing |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Line.IRemoteClient | Represents a remote client of x4Trace. Remode client is an instance of x4Trace controller or client program |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Reports.IReportControlGrid | Represents a grid of control of reports |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Reports.IReportListGrid | Represents a grid of repoerts |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserList.IRightGrid | Represents a grid of rights |
CIGraphics.Grid.IRows | Rows of a grid |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Sequential.ISequentialDesignerGrid | Sequential designer grid of x4Trace |
►CTools.Serialize.ISerializable | Represents an interface of serialization |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Database.SQLDataTable | Represents a result data of the sql command |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.ServerPluginList.IServerPluginParameterGrid | Represents a server plugin parameter grid |
CIGraphics.Drawing2D.IShape2D | Represents an item of drawing |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Shift.IShiftCalendarGrid | |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Shift.IShiftGrid | |
CIGraphics.GInterface.ISize | Represent a size |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Database.ISQL | Represent an interface of SQL connection. Uses for execution of SQL commands |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Database.SQLConnection | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.SQLGroupCommand | Represents a command list of SQL. This makes one execution of all commands. Only update/insert is available |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Database.ISQLConnectionNAT | Interface of native SQL connection |
CIGraphics.GInterface.IStringAlignment | Alignment of string |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.ITaskGrid | Represents the grid of task. Allows to assign users to task. Tasks are designed by designers |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Terminal.ITerminalGrid | Represents a grid of terminal list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Terminal.ITerminalVariableGrid | Represents a grid of variable list of terminal |
CIGraphics.Controls.ITextBox | Represents GUI interface of textbox |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Designer.Sequential.IUnsortedSequentialGrid | Represents a grid of non designed items of order blocks |
►CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UpdateGrid.IUpdateGrid | |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.ServerPluginList.IServerPluginListGrid | Represents a grid of server plugin list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserList.IUserListGrid | Represents a grid of user list |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Production.Task.UserAssignmentList.IUserAssignmentGrid | Represents a list of assignments of user |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserList.IUserCategoryGrid | Represents a grid of categories of users |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserList.IUserDivisionGrid | Represents a grid of divisions of users |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.UserSelect.IUserSelectGrid | Represents a grid of user selection |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Controls.Flow.Variables.IVarListGrid | Represents a grid of variables of flow |
CIx4Trace.Desktop.Plugins.Ix4TGrid | Represents an interface for x4T Grid |
CTools.Serialize.JsonSerialize | Represents a JSON serialization |
CTools.Language | Represents a language object. Translates strings by dictionary |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Line.LineDivisionModule | Represents a line division module. This modeule will be executed during the production. When you inherit from this class setver will load it. The user can select from these modules. The line will run the selected module |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Line.LineProcess | |
CTools.LOG | Represents a logger object |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.MainOfServerPlugin | Represents a Main of server plugin. Server will call the initialize when object is loaded. If you want to do something when your DLL is loaded, you have to inherit of this class |
CTools.Memory | Represents a memory handling class |
CTools.Serialize.ObjectSerializer | Serializes the object. Copies the primitive types of members |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Order.OrderBlockData | Represents data object of order block |
►CIx4Trace.Engine.Plugin.PluginController | Represents a basic plugin controller of x4Trace. When you make a plugin you have to extend a class from this class. You have to initialize your plugin with initialize method |
CIx4Trace.Desktop.Plugins.PluginController | Represents a plugin controller |
CIx4Trace.Desktop.Plugins.PluginInstance | Represents a desktop plugin instance |
►CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.PluginManager | Represents the plugin manager. Contains all of plugins. Shows/hides/handles plugins |
CIx4Trace.Desktop.Plugins.DesktopPluginManager | Represents the desktop plugin manager. Shows/hides plugins |
CFlowLib.Engine.Point | Point of GUI element |
CFlowLib.Engine.Port | Represents a port of block |
CFlowLib.Engine.PortDescriptor | Descriptor of port |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Line.ProcessNumberVariable | Represents process number variable |
CTools.Threading.ProcessStatus | Represents a process status class |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Line.ProcessStringVariable | Represents process text variable |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.ProcessVar | Represents a process varriable. This object use for store data during the process |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.ProcessVarList | Represents a list of the process variables |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.ServerPlugin.Server.RemotePlugin | Remote controllers of this plugin |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.RemoteServerPlugin.RemoteServerPlugin | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Production.Process.RollbackPart | Represents a data of rollback of instance |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.ServerPlugin.Server.ServerPlugin | Represents a server plugin. The DLL wich contains the plugins have to be named x4Trace.Server.Plugins.<Name> |
CIx4Trace.Server.Engine.Settings | Settings class. User for setup the server |
CIGraphics.Drawing2D.Shape2DCollection | Collection of Shape2D items |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Database.SQLTransaction | Represents a transaction object. Not in use. Use grupped sql commands |
CTools.StringTool | Represents a string handling class |
CIFlow.GUI.Styles | Represents style settings of the flow |
CIx4Trace.GraphicsController.Styles | GUI settings of x4Trace |
CIx4Trace.Engine.SystemParameters | |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Entity.Terminal.TerminalData | Represents data of the terminal. Not all terminal has data. This object sets the data, if it exists. This object has no table |
CIx4Trace.Engine.Features.Terminal.TerminalData | Represent a data object of terminal |
CTools.Threading.Thread | Represents a thread class of tools |
►CUserControl | |
►CIx4Trace.Desktop.Plugins.DesktopPlugin | Represents a desktop plugin |
CIx4Trace.Desktop.Plugins.ExtendedPlugin | Represents an extension of plugin. This extension has exit and popout button, menus, etc |
CIx4Trace.Desktop.Plugins.MessageBox.MessageBox | Represents a message box |
CIx4Trace.Desktop.Plugins.PluginMenu | Represents a menu of x4Trace. When you inherit from this class you can build a menu |
CIx4Trace.Desktop.Plugins.ProgressBar.ProgressBar | Represents a progress bar |
►CWControls.WForm | |
CIx4Trace.Desktop.Plugins.X4TForm | Represents a form of x4Trace |
CTools.XmlLoadList | |