| ICell (IGrid parent, ICellList cells, IColumn column, bool readOnly) |
| Constructor.
virtual void | SetCellData (ICellData cellData) |
| Sets data of cell.
virtual void | Draw (IGraphics.GInterface.IGraphics gr, int x, int y, bool isSelected, bool isFullRowSelect) |
| Draws the cell. You have to increase the X value, with the width of the cell. You have to increase the Y value, with the height of the cell by row.
virtual void | DrawRectangleTo (IGraphics.GInterface.IGraphics gr) |
| Draws the merge.
virtual void | DrawSelectedFrame (IGraphics.GInterface.IGraphics gr) |
| Draws the selected frame.
virtual bool | Contains (int x, int y) |
| Returns true when the cell contains the coordinate.
virtual void | SetMergedWH () |
| Counts the merge.
virtual void | SetXY (int x, int y) |
| Sets the X/Y coordinate of cell.
void | EliminateMerge () |
| Deletes the merge.
virtual void | SetRowHeightFromTextHeight () |
| Sets the height of row by height of maximum text of cells of row.
virtual void | SetColumnWidthFromTextWidth () |
| Sets the width of column by width of maximum text of cells of row.
virtual int | GetMergedWidth () |
| Returns the merged width of cell.
virtual int | GetAbsoluteStartX () |
| Returns the absolute start X position.
Tuple< int, string > | GetComboData () |
| Returns the data of datatag.
Tuple< string, string > | GetComboStringData () |
| Returns the data of datatag.
virtual void | SetAll (string text, GInterface.IFont font, IStringAlignment alignment) |
| Sets all properties.
virtual void | SetAll (string text, GInterface.IFont font, Align horizontalAlign, Align verticalAlign) |
| Sets all properties.
virtual void | SetAll (string text, GInterface.IFont font, Align horizontalAlign, Align verticalAlign, bool drawrectangle) |
| Sets all properties.
virtual void | SetAll (string text, GInterface.IFont font, IColor foreColor, Align horizontalAlign, Align verticalAlign) |
| Sets all properties.
virtual void | SetAll (string text, IGraphics.GInterface.IFont font, IColor foreColor, IColor backColor, Align horizontalAlign, Align verticalAlign) |
| Sets all properties.
IGrid | parent |
| Parent.
IGraphics.GInterface.IColor | backColor = IGraphics.GInterface.IColor.White |
| Back color of cell.
IGraphics.GInterface.IColor | lineColor = IGraphics.GInterface.IColor.Black |
| Line color of cell.
IGraphics.GInterface.IColor | foreColor = IGraphics.GInterface.IColor.Black |
| Fore color of cell.
IGraphics.GInterface.IColor | drawingRectangleToColor = IGraphics.GInterface.IColor.Black |
| Merged rectangle line color.
IGraphics.GInterface.IFont | font |
| Font of cell.
IGraphics.GInterface.IStringAlignment | stringFormat = new IGraphics.GInterface.IStringAlignment(IGraphics.GInterface.Align.Near, IGraphics.GInterface.Align.Near) |
| Alignment of cell.
MergeType | mergeType = MergeType.None |
| Merge type of cell.
ICellList | mergedCellList |
| List of merged cells.
ICell | drawingRectangleTo = null |
| End of merging.
int | drawingRectangleToLineWidth = 1 |
| Merge line width.
string | text = "" |
| Text of cell.
int | x = 0 |
| X coordinate of cell.
int | y = 0 |
| Y coordinate of cell.
IMargin | margin = new IMargin(0, 0, 0, 0) |
| Margin of cell.
int | imageIndex = -1 |
| Image index of cell.
int | imageWidth = 20 |
| Image width of cell.
int | mergedWidth = 0 |
| Width of merge.
int | mergedHeight = 0 |
| Height of merge.
bool | readOnly = false |
| The cell is readonly.
IGridControl | control = null |
| Parent control.
object | tag = null |
| Tag of cell.
object | dataTag = null |
| Data tag of cell.
ICellList | cells = null |
| Reference of row.
IColumn | column = null |
| Column of cell.
bool | isDrawBorder = true |
| Enable to draw border of cell.
object | bmpBackGround |
| Background image.
object | BMPBackgound [get, set] |
| Background image.
bool | Drawrectangle [get, set] |
| Enables to draw bolrder.
object | Tag [get, set] |
| Tag of cell.
object | DataTag [get, set] |
| Data tag of cell.
IColor | BackColor [get, set] |
| Back color of cell.
IColor | LineColor [get, set] |
| Line color of cell.
IColor | ForeColor [get, set] |
| Text color of cell.
bool | ReadOnly [get, set] |
| The cell is readonly.
GInterface.IFont | Font [get, set] |
| Font of cell.
IGraphics.GInterface.IStringAlignment | StringFormat [get, set] |
| Alignment of cell.
MergeType | Merged [get, set] |
| Merge type of cell.
string | Text [get, set] |
| Text of cell.
double | GetTextToDouble [get] |
| Double value of text. 0 when the text is not a number.
int | GetTextToInt [get] |
| Integer value of text. 0 when the text is not a number.
int | Width [get] |
| Width of column.
int | FullWidth [get] |
| Width of basic column + width of merge.
int | Height [get] |
| Height of row.
int | FullHeight [get] |
| Height of basic row + height of merge.
int | WidthMerge [get] |
| Width of merge.
int | HeightMerged [get] |
| Height of merge.
ICellList | MergedCellList [get, set] |
| List of merged cells.
int | RowIndex [get] |
| Index of row.
int | ColumnIndex [get] |
| Index of column.
int | ImageIndex [get, set] |
| Index of image.
IPoint | Start [get] |
| Start point.
IGridControl | Control [get, set] |
| Parent control.
int | X [get, set] |
| X position.
int | Y [get, set] |
| Y position.
bool | AutoHeightCell [get] |
| Cell sets the height automatically.
bool | AutoWidthCell [get] |
| Cell sets the width automatically.
ICell | DrawingRectanleTo [get, set] |
| End of merge.
int | DrawingRectangleToLineWidth [get, set] |
| Merge border width.
IColor | DrawingRectangleToColor [get, set] |
| Merge border color.
IMargin | Margin [get, set] |
| Margin of text.
Represents a cell of grid.