x4Trace Documentation v1.0
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Ix4Trace.GraphicsController.Styles Class Reference

GUI settings of x4Trace. More...

Static Public Attributes

static IFont gridColumnHeaderFont = new IFont("Arial", 12, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of column's header.
static IColor gridColumnHeaderBackGround = new IColor(255, 33, 115, 70)
 Back color of column's header.
static IColor gridColumnHeaderForeGround = IColor.White
 Fore color of column's header.
static IColor gridCellLineColor = IColor.Black
 Line color of cell.
static IColor gridColumnColor = IColor.Gray
 Color of grid column.
static IFont gridCellFont = new IFont("Arial", 11)
 Default font of cell of grid.
static IColor gridCellBackGround = IColor.White
 Default back color of cell of grid.
static IColor gridCellForeGround = IColor.Black
 Default fore color of cell of grid.
static int gridHeaderHeight = 30
 Height of header row.
static IGraphics.GInterface.Align defaultVerticalAlignment = Align.Center
 Default vertical alignment.
static IGraphics.GInterface.Align defaultHorizontalAlignment = Align.Near
 Default horizontal alignment for text.
static IGraphics.GInterface.Align defaultHorizontalAlignmentNumber = Align.Far
 Default horizontal alignment for number.
static int runTimeRound = 4
 Round of runtime.
static IColor gridOrderBlockColor = new IColor(255, 198, 239, 206)
 Back color of the block segment of order block grid.
static IColor gridOrderBlockForeColor = IColor.Black
 Fore color of the block segment of order block grid.
static IFont gridOrderBlockCellFont = new IFont("Arial", 12, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of the block segment of order block grid.
static int gridOrderBlockSubHeaderHeight = 15
 Height of sub header row of order block grid.
static IFont gridOrderBlockSubColumnHeaderFont = new IFont("Arial", 10, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of sub header row of order block grid.
static IFont matrixDesignerShiftDayFont = new IFont("Arial", 8, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of matrix designer shift/day header section.
static IColor matrixDesignerShiftDayForeColor = new IColor(255, 0, 0, 0)
 Fore color of matrix designer shift/day header section.
static IColor matrixDesignerShiftDayBackColor = new IColor(255, 255, 242, 204)
 Back color of matrix designer shift/day header section.
static IFont matrixDesignerOrderBlockFont = new IFont("Arial", 10, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of matrix designer order block section.
static IFont matrixDesignerOrderBlockItemFont = new IFont("Arial", 8, IFontStyle.Regular)
 Font of matrix designer order block items.
static IFont matrixDesignerOrderFont = new IFont("Arial", 10, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of matrix designer order section.
static IFont matrixDesignerOrderHeadFont = new IFont("Arial", 10, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of matrix designer order header section.
static IGraphics.GInterface.IFont matrixDesignerShiftTitle = new IGraphics.GInterface.IFont("Arial", 8, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of matrix designer shift title section.
static IColor matrixDesignerShiftForeColor = IColor.Black
 Back color of matrix designer order section.
static IColor matrixDesignerOrderCellBackColor = new IColor(255, 237, 237, 237)
 Back color of matrix designer order section.
static int matrixDesignerQTYRound = 2
 Round of order block quantity of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignerRuntimeRound = 4
 Round of order block runtime of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignercolumn_01 = 10
 Default width of 1. column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignercolumn_02 = 80
 Default width of 2. column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignercolumn_03 = 160
 Default width of 3. column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignercolumn_04 = 65
 Default width of 4. column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignercolumn_05 = 60
 Default width of 5. column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignercolumn_06 = 90
 Default width of 6. column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignercolumn_07 = 190
 Default width of 7. column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignercolumn_08 = 65
 Default width of 8. column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignercolumn_09 = 65
 Default width of 9. column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignercolumn_10 = 60
 Default width of 10. column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignercolumn_11 = 60
 Default width of 11. column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignerdaycolumn_01 = 40
 Default width of 1. day column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignerdaycolumn_02 = 40
 Default width of 2. day column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignerdaycolumn_03 = 40
 Default width of 3. day column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignerdaycolumn_04 = 40
 Default width of 4. day column of matrix designer.
static int matrixDesignerdaycolumn_05 = 40
 Default width of 5. day column of matrix designer.
static IFont sequentialDesignerOrderFont = new IFont("Arial", 10, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of order of sequential designer order.
static IFont sequentialDesignerOrderFont2 = new IFont("Arial", 10, IFontStyle.Regular)
 Font 2 of order of sequential designer order.
static int sequentialDesignerQTYRound = 2
 Round of order block quantity of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerRuntimeRound = 4
 Round of order block runtime of sequential designer.
static IColor sequentialDesignerFixedBackColor = new IColor(255, 237, 237, 237)
 Back color of fixed rows of sequential designer.
static IColor sequentialDesignerFinishedBackColor = IColor.LightBlue
 Back color of finished order blocks of sequential designer.
static IFont taskGridAssignmentFont = new IFont("Arial", 10, IFontStyle.Regular)
 Font of assignment of task manager.
static IFont taskGridCellFont = new IFont("Arial", 8, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of cell of task manager.
static IFont taskGridTaskFont = new IFont("Arial", 10, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of task of task manager.
static IFont taskGridHeadFont = new IFont("Arial", 10, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of primary header of task manager.
static IFont taskGridHead2Font = new IFont("Arial", 8, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of secondary header of task manager.
static IColor taskGridTaskErrorBackColor = new IColor(255, 255, 199, 206)
 Back color of task of task manager in error status.
static IColor taskGridTaskErrorForeColor = new IColor(255, 156, 45, 117)
 Fore color of task of task manager in error status.
static IColor taskGridTaskForeColor = new IColor(255, 0, 0, 0)
 Fore color of task of task manager.
static IColor taskGridTaskBackColor = new IColor(255, 198, 239, 206)
 Back color of task of task manager.
static IColor taskGridTaskFinishBackColor = IColor.LightGreen
 Back color of cells of task manager in finished status.
static IColor taskGridCellBackColor = new IColor(255, 242, 242, 242)
 Back color of cell of task manager.
static IColor taskGridCellForeColor = new IColor(255, 250, 125, 54)
 Fore color of cell of task manager.
static int taskGridColumn1Height = 50
 Height of primary header row of task manager.
static int taskGridColumn2Height = 30
 Height of secondary header row of task manager.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_01 = 40
 Default width of 1. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_02 = 40
 Default width of 2. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_03 = 40
 Default width of 3. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_04 = 40
 Default width of 4. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_05 = 100
 Default width of 5. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_06 = 40
 Default width of 6. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_07 = 40
 Default width of 7. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_08 = 50
 Default width of 8. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_09 = 50
 Default width of 9. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_10 = 50
 Default width of 10. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_11 = 40
 Default width of 11. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_12 = 40
 Default width of 12. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_13 = 40
 Default width of 13. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_14 = 40
 Default width of 14. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_15 = 40
 Default width of 15. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_16 = 40
 Default width of 16. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_17 = 40
 Default width of 17. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_18 = 40
 Default width of 18. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_19 = 40
 Default width of 19. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_20 = 100
 Default width of 20. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_21 = 80
 Default width of 21. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_22 = 80
 Default width of 22. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_23 = 80
 Default width of 23. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_24 = 80
 Default width of 24. column of task grid.
static int priductionTaskGridcolumn_25 = 60
 Default width of 25. column of task grid.
static int orderInstanceGridcolumn_01 = 20
 Default width of 1. column of order instance grid.
static int orderInstanceGridcolumn_02 = 100
 Default width of 2. column of order instance grid.
static int orderInstanceGridcolumn_03 = 100
 Default width of 3. column of order instance grid.
static int orderInstanceGridcolumn_04 = 100
 Default width of 4. column of order instance grid.
static int orderInstanceGridcolumn_05 = 100
 Default width of 5. column of order instance grid.
static int orderInstanceGridcolumn_06 = 100
 Default width of 6. column of order instance grid.
static int orderInstanceGridcolumn_07 = 50
 Default width of 7. column of order instance grid.
static int orderInstanceGridcolumn_08 = 50
 Default width of 8. column of order instance grid.
static int orderInstanceGridcolumn_09 = 100
 Default width of 9. column of order instance grid.
static int orderInstanceGridcolumn_10 = 100
 Default width of 10. column of order instance grid.
static int orderInstanceGridcolumn_11 = 100
 Default width of 11. column of order instance grid.
static int orderInstanceGridcolumn_12 = 100
 Default width of 12. column of order instance grid.
static IColor conveyanceForwardBackColor = new IColor(255, 250, 125, 54)
 Back color of forwarded instances of order instance grid.
static IColor conveyanceRollbackBackColor = new IColor(255, 255, 199, 206)
 Back color of rolled back instances of order instance grid.
static IColor conveyanceBothBackColor = new IColor(255, 255, 199, 206)
 Back color of rolled back/forwarded instances of order instance grid.
static IFont userSelectColumnFont = new IFont("Arial", 30, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of column of user selection.
static IFont userSelectCellFont = new IFont("Arial", 28, IFontStyle.Regular)
 Cell of column of user selection.
static int userSelectGridcolumn_01 = 200
 Default width of 1. column of user selection grid.
static int userSelectGridcolumn_02 = 100
 Default width of 2. column of user selection grid.
static int userSelectGridcolumn_03 = 100
 Default width of 3. column of user selection grid.
static int userSelectGridcolumn_04 = 100
 Default width of 4. column of user selection grid.
static int userSelectGridcolumn_05 = 100
 Default width of 5. column of user selection grid.
static int flowBlockOperationGridcolumn_01 = 100
 Default width of 1. column of operation grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockOperationGridcolumn_02 = 300
 Default width of 2. column of operation grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockOperationGridcolumn_03 = 100
 Default width of 3. column of operation grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockInputPortGridcolumn_01 = 50
 Default width of 1. column of input port grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockInputPortGridcolumn_02 = 100
 Default width of 2. column of input port grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockInputPortGridcolumn_03 = 100
 Default width of 3. column of input port grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockInputPortGridcolumn_04 = 100
 Default width of 4. column of input port grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockInputPortGridcolumn_05 = 100
 Default width of 5. column of input port grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockInputPortGridcolumn_06 = 100
 Default width of 6. column of input port grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockOutputPortGridcolumn_01 = 50
 Default width of 1. column of output port grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockOutputPortGridcolumn_02 = 100
 Default width of 2. column of output port grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockOutputPortGridcolumn_03 = 100
 Default width of 3. column of output port grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockOutputPortGridcolumn_04 = 100
 Default width of 4. column of output port grid of flow block.
static int flowBlockOutputPortGridcolumn_05 = 100
 Default width of 5. column of output port grid of flow block.
static IFont processDisplayInfoColumnFont = new IFont("Arial", 12, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of header of information grid of process display.
static IFont processDisplayInfo1stCellFont = new IFont("Arial", 10, IFontStyle.Bold)
 Font of first row of information grid of process display.
static IFont processDisplayInfoCellFont = new IFont("Arial", 10, IFontStyle.Regular)
 Font of cells of information grid of process display.
static int processDisplayInfoGridcolumn_01 = 100
 Default width of 1. column of information grid of process display.
static int processDisplayInfoGridcolumn_02 = 40
 Default width of 2. column of information grid of process display.
static int processDisplayInfoGridcolumn_03 = 40
 Default width of 3. column of information grid of process display.
static int processDisplayInfoGridcolumn_04 = 40
 Default width of 4. column of information grid of process display.
static int processDisplayProcessDataGridcolumn_01 = 100
 Default width of 1. column of process data of process display.
static int processDisplayProcessDataGridcolumn_02 = 40
 Default width of 2. column of process data of process display.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_01 = 60
 Default width of 1. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_02 = 20
 Default width of 2. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_03 = 100
 Default width of 3. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_04 = 100
 Default width of 4. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_05 = 100
 Default width of 5. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_06 = 100
 Default width of 6. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_07 = 100
 Default width of 7. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_08 = 100
 Default width of 8. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_09 = 200
 Default width of 9. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_10 = 60
 Default width of 10. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_11 = 60
 Default width of 11. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_12 = 60
 Default width of 12. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_13 = 0
 Default width of 13. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_14 = 60
 Default width of 14. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_15 = 100
 Default width of 15. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_16 = 0
 Default width of 16. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_17 = 100
 Default width of 17. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_18 = 100
 Default width of 18. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_19 = 20
 Default width of 19. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_20 = 20
 Default width of 20. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_21 = 100
 Default width of 21. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_22 = 20
 Default width of 22. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_23 = 20
 Default width of 23. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_24 = 100
 Default width of 24. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_25 = 20
 Default width of 25. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_26 = 20
 Default width of 26. column of sequential designer.
static int sequentialDesignerGridcolumn_27 = 100
 Default width of 27. column of sequential designer.

Detailed Description

GUI settings of x4Trace.

Member Data Documentation

◆ matrixDesignerShiftForeColor

IColor Ix4Trace.GraphicsController.Styles.matrixDesignerShiftForeColor = IColor.Black

Back color of matrix designer order section.

Fore color of matrix designer shift section.

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