Eepresents an enum for error codes of x4Trace.
Enumerator |
ProcessIsAlreadyRunning | The process is already running.
UserIsNotExists | The user is not exist.
DriverVariableIsMissing | Variable of driver is missing.
VariableNotFoundException | Variable not found.
OldPWException | The old and the new password of user are not match.
CheckPWException | New password is not correct.
NoRightException | No right to access.
UserAlreadyLoggedInException | The user is already logged in.
NoProductionTaskException | Production task is not exist.
NoProductionTaskCellException | Cell of production task is missing.
NoInstanceException | The instance is not exist.
QtyLessException | The quantity of the input is less then required.
NoOutputException | There is no output port.
OutputPortHasNoConnectionException | The outpot port has no connection.
NoInputException | The block has no input.
RollbackToStartIsNotAvailableException | Start of rollback instance is not available.
NotAvailableDuplicateException | Instance is not available to duplicate.
EmptyParameterException | The parameter is empty.
ProductIsOnOtherOperationException | The product is not avalilable to pass the block. The instance is on another operation.
FlowBlockMissingException | The flow bloch is not exists.
KanbanBoxIsNotExist | The kanban box is not exist.
NoInstanceIDException | The ID of instance is not exist.
DestinationBlockIsStartBlockException | The destination block can not be the start block.
QtyLessThanZeroException | The quantity is less than zero.
GroupNotFoundException | The group of instance is not exist.
InstanceNotFoundException | The instance is not exist.
GeneratedBlockIsMissingException | The order block is missing. You have to generate it.
DuplicatedCodeException | Instance code is already exists.
ProductNotFoundException | The product is not exist.
SequentialItemIsAlreadyFinishedException | The item of sequential designer is already fhinished.
FinishDateOFSequentialItemIsSmallerThanStartException | Date of finish of sequential item is smaller than start date.
FeatureNotFoundException | The feature is not exist.
MoreThanOneInputException | The block ha more than one input.
DownTimeIsStillRunningException | The dowtime is still running.
DownTimeCoverAllBlockException | Stop of downtime id not available, because it covers all process of block.
ProductionOrderOperationBlockIsNotExistsException | The order block is missing. You have to generate it.
DesignerItemNotFoundException | The item of designer is not found.
BlockVariableIsAlreadyAddedException | The variable of the block is already added.
ServerPluginIsAlreadyConnected | This client has an already connected sever plugin.
RemoteControllerIsAlreadyConnectedException | This client has an already connected remote controller.
NoFloException | The order has no flow.
NoFileException | The file is not exists.
NoCalendarSpanException | The calendar has no elements.
LockException | The lock of entity is not successful.
LineException | Line error.
LineIsNotRunningOnServerException | The line is not running on server.
GeneratingBMPEventIsMissingException | Generating algorithm of bmp is missing.
ConveyanceIsDisabledBecauseFlowIsNotSavedException | Flow is not saved. Conveyance is disabled.
UnableToDeleteFlowBlockDueExistingProcessException | The flow block has one or more process. Unable to delete.
UnableToDeleteFlowBlockDueInputElementsException | The flow block has input instances. Unable to delete.
TwoRowHasToBeSelectedException | More than one row is selected.
RecordIsLockedException | The record is locked.
PortIsNotSelectedException | The port is not selected.
DestinationIsNotSelectedException | The destination port is not selected.
NoGeneratedOrderBlockException | The order block is missing. You have to generate it.
NoSelectedInstanceException | There is no selected instance.
NoRowSelected | No row selected.
NoSelectedTask | There is no selected task.
NoSelectedTaskOrCell | There is no selected task or cell.
NoSelectedCellOrAssign | There is no selected cell or assign.
OnlyOneTaskHaveToBeSelected | Only one task have to be selected.
NoAssignedTaskException | The is no assigned task.
DepartmentIsNotSelected | Department is not selected.
InstanceDictionaryNotFoundException | The instance is not exist.
ProcessNotFoundException | The process is not exist.
DriverProcessIsTimedOutException | Driver process is timed out.
AssignmentStatusFinishedException | Status of this assignment is finished.
InstanceAlreadyExistsException | The instance is not exist.
Unknow | Unknow exception.